Passover and the Layers of Remembrance

Passover and the Layers of Remembrance

By Shelley Neese On the evening of March 27th, Passover begins. Last year, I remember thinking how horrible it was that Israel’s first lockdown for coronavirus had to take place on the most festive night on the Jewish holy calendar. Normally, throughout the Seder meal...
Passover and Christians

Passover and Christians

In Exodus 13, the Bible presents a holy script for the holiday of Passover. Essentially, God designed a ritual which makes certain that the Jews institute the Exodus in their collective memory. Their Egypt experience binds them as a people who share a history of...
Why was Moses Chosen?

Why was Moses Chosen?

Exodus is the most supernatural book in the Hebrew bible. But it is also the climax, the pinnacle of Israel’s story. All roads in the Torah either lead to the Exodus or link back to the Exodus. Before earth-shaking plagues and parting seas, however, the patriarchs...