Bible Fiber: Ezekiel 31

Bible Fiber: Ezekiel 31

Subscribe to Bible Fiber on Youtube or Follow Bible Fiber wherever you listen to your podcasts. Welcome to Bible Fiber, where we are encountering the textures and shades of the biblical tapestry through twelve Minor Prophets, two reformers, and one exile. I am Shelley...

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Bible Fiber: Ezekiel 30

Bible Fiber: Ezekiel 30

Follow Bible Fiber on Youtube or wherever you get your podcasts! This week we are studying Ezekiel 30, which contains Ezekiel’s third and fourth oracles against Egypt. There are seven in total. Day of the Lord In the third oracle, God commanded Ezekiel to wail over...

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Bible Fiber: Ezekiel 29

Bible Fiber: Ezekiel 29

Welcome to Bible Fiber, where we are encountering the textures and shades of the biblical tapestry through twelve Minor Prophets, two reformers, and one exile. I am Shelley Neese, president of The Jerusalem Connection, a Christian organization devoted to sharing the...

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Bible Fiber: Ezekiel 29 Welcome to Bible Fiber, where we are encountering the textures and shades of the biblical tapestry through twelve Minor Prophets, two reformers, and one exile. I am Shelley Neese, president of The Jerusalem Connection, a...

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Bible Fiber: Interview with Yair Levi

Bible Fiber: Interview with Yair Levi

Subscribe to our Youtube channel or Follow Bible Fiber wherever you listen to your podcasts! Welcome to Bible Fiber, where are we encountering the textures and shades of the biblical tapestry. I am Shelley Neese, president of The Jerusalem Connection, a Christian...

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Bible Fiber: Ezekiel 28

Bible Fiber: Ezekiel 28

Subscribe to Bible Fiber on Youtube or Follow Bible Fiber on any podcast directory! Welcome to Bible Fiber, where we are encountering the textures and shades of the biblical tapestry through twelve Minor Prophets, two reformers, and one exile. I am Shelley Neese,...

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Bible Fiber: Ezekiel 27

Bible Fiber: Ezekiel 27

Subscribe to Bible Fiber's Youtube Channel and Follow Bible Fiber wherever you listen to your podcasts! Welcome to Bible Fiber, where we are encountering the textures and shades of the biblical tapestry through twelve Minor Prophets, two reformers, and one exile. I am...

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Bible Fiber: Ezekiel 26

Bible Fiber: Ezekiel 26

Subscribe to Bible Fiber's Youtube Channel or follow Bible Fiber wherever you listen to your podcasts! Welcome to Bible Fiber, where we are encountering the textures and shades of the biblical tapestry through twelve Minor Prophets, two reformers, and one exile. I am...

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Bible Fiber: Ezekiel 25

Bible Fiber: Ezekiel 25

Welcome to Bible Fiber! Here, we explore the rich textures and shades of the biblical tapestry through the lens of twelve Minor Prophets, two reformers, and one exile. I am Shelley Neese, president of The Jerusalem Connection, a Christian organization dedicated to...

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Yom Kippur for the Goyim

By Shelley Neese Subscribe to our Youtube Channel or Follow the podcast! Welcome to Bible Fiber, where are we encountering the textures and shades of the biblical tapestry. I am Shelley Neese, president of The Jerusalem Connection, a Christian organization devoted to...

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